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Benefits of branded clothing

Having a brand identity is immensely important for establishing your brand and corporate identity, and this will be created by visual elements such as a colours and symbols that are matched together to create a distinguishing image to represent business.

A brand or corporate identity that is established will gain customer recognisability and give them a sense of trust that can further grow in to customer loyalty.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a large business or the local kitchen fitters; branded clothing is a valuable asset and can aid your business for a variety of reasons.

Team Unity

Providing your team with matching uniforms will make them feel more ‘like a team’ and bring everyone together. This could be just for the store front or a corporate team sports event, whatever it’s for using branded apparel will give them all something in common and it doesn’t have to stop at shirts and trousers you can brand any piece of clothing that might be needed for a specific job like gloves, hats or even scarves for employees working outdoors.

Brand Recognition

Let’s face it, you want people to see your company’s brand logo and think “that’s that really good (insert industry here) company everyone always recommends”. Well that’s not going to happen if you don’t show it off. Having your logo on display in as many places as possible is essential to growing your brand and your apparel is no exception.  This also works the other way around and may intrigue people who see your logo and don’t know who you are to find out and become a new customer.

Separate departments and types of employees

It’s not just about showing off your branding, using different colours and logos for different departments and types of workers will help you as the owner and customers to easily identify the right member of staff that is needed for a job or advice etc, which in the long run can potentially save you time and money as well as making it easier for your customer to achieve satisfaction.

They make great things to share/giveaway

Why not sell or give away clothing with your branding, it’s a great way to get people interested, share your brand and your customers will become walking advertisements for your company.

Whenever a business’s logo and name are put out for the world to see it can have a huge impact; it is a great opportunity for marketing. Having your apparel branded can increase brand awareness and promote your business much further than you may have thought.